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Heading Home Suburban Ramsey

HEADING HOME basic needs practitioners team

This is a weekly meeting where Basic Needs Practitioners work together to address complex barriers to housing stability and basic need security through creative problem solving and teamwork.

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The Heading Home Basic Needs Practitioner Team is a partnership between Ramsey County's Heading Home Ramsey Initiative, the Suburban Ramsey Family Collaborative and community organizations, which include schools, social service and community partners, and the faith community. 


Our purpose is to form relationships with one another through rapid response collaboration to help families from being homeless so they can remain in their school districts and in their communities by mobilizing formal and informal supports through integrated and coordinated efforts.


The goals of this collaboration are to:

  • Increase awareness of needs in Ramsey County

  • Create a network of support for homeless or near homeless families 

  • Prevent homelessness through local, coordinated response

  • Coordinate resources and build capacity to respond to the increasing need

  • Identify key resources and opportunities where partneres can 'plug in' to what is aligned to their work in their communities

  • Form Rapid Response Teams for complex situations that require an interdisciplinary team and resource plan.


For more information on homelessness in Ramsey County check out Heading Home Ramsey's website. 

Please click on the folder icon to access your Team Tools such as shared resources, meeting notes, and presentations.

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