Suburban Ramsey Family Collaborative
What are partners are saying about SRFC
What an amazing resource fair you and the Ramsey County Children’s Mental Health Collaborative hosted in partnership with the County and Sundance Foundation this past week.
It was obvious how much love and work so many people put into it. I think it went really well and folks were so incredibly engaged. WFS was excited to be a partner and continue to support the work of SRFC and your partners.
Mary Sue, I am so inspired by the leadership you put into equity and how compassion is at the core of everything you do. I think it is difficult to assess the amazing impact of the formal and informal networks that you help Ramsey County to sustain.
Ling Becker,
Ramsey County
“As a school partner, the delivery coming out from the collaboratives is nothing we’ve ever seen before. We just wouldn’t have the capacity to do what the collaboratives have done [to address the immense mental health needs of our children, youth and families]. “The benefit to the schools is unprecedented. It provides more options for families and has created a much fuller menu for families and a lot of choice. It has been incredible!”
School Administrator
"Students who we haven’t been able to help are now being helped."
School Administrator
" ... Let me say how much I appreciate all of the resource sharing that happens in our Wednesday meetings. I routinely share this info with our social work team, with lots of positive feedback."
Michael Stanefski, Roseville Schools
"Thank you for being a web that weaves us all together"
Molly Cave, Head Start
"We have made more progress with this family through the Rapid Response Team than we’ve made all year"
School Dean
"I appreciate all of you more than words allow me to express!!!” “THIS is the 25th reason why I love this team!” Mom is SO grateful! .... “Thank you for not giving up on me!” she said. Thank you team! Mom is feeling supported and loved."
Social Worker
“Thank you. Mary Sue, I think we need to refer to these Rapid Response Teams as “The Circle of Love” meetings. It is amazing how the whole group works together and offers their expertise and support.
Thank you for letting me sit through it. I ALWAYS learn something new."
Lily Tharoor,
SPPS Schools